How to Successfully Reach Your New Sales Goals – Our Guide

It’s not uncommon for some businesses to reach a plateau in terms of their sales figures. This usually happens to establishments complacent with their current standing of having enough revenue to go beyond overhead costs with minimal savings. Although there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a sense of stability, businesses must always strive for growth.
A business owner must exercise their sense of ambition. Otherwise, newcomers in the scene can effortlessly take their spot in the market. For this reason, business owners must always surpass their capacity to take on new heights with their sales goals.

How do you reach your new sales goals?

While it’s easy to tell your team to work harder to achieve your new sales goals, it’s far from being that simple. You’ll need to set different benchmarks gradually to ensure that you’re directing your efforts in the right direction. Remember that matching your ambition should also reflect your ability to make measurable and actionable steps toward success.
In this article, we’ll share a five-step guide to achieving your sales goals.

Step #1: Set a measurable and achievable goal for your sales reps

If you want to teach your sales goals successfully, you need to map your goals with measurable markers for success. This should be the easiest task on your road to increasing your sales margins. However, you shouldn’t reach for an unreachable goal.
Although it’s important to exceed your usual expectations, remember that your resources are limited, and you don’t want your staff to burn out. It’s easier to visualize your new sales goals by dividing them into different sections.
For example, you can set a yearly goal of closing a certain number of qualified leads. Set a deadline every quarter to reach a fraction of that goal. Doing so prevents your team from being overwhelmed by the lofty goals you want to reach. Once your team adjusts and adapts to the following steps, scaling up your business will no longer be a far-reaching possibility.

Step #2: Utilize appointment setting to discover sales opportunities

You can increase your sales margins through different means. You can double your inventory acquisition, expand your sales rep teams, or scale up your product prices. One method that will effectively utilize your current and potential customers involve using appointment-setting efforts
It’s an excellent strategy to bring attention to your products and services to old and new clients. This allows you to expand your brand’s reach and reinvigorate interest in what you’re selling.
You can use email marketing to make bespoke offers to the people in your mailing list or produce regular content with compelling topics and calls to action to engage with new audiences. Using diverse outreach strategies will allow your sales reps to get busy with new leads from the right target market.

Step #3: Attract the right contacts

It’s important to identify your potential customer’s willingness to try your products and services. Otherwise, your sales reps will be wasting their time explaining your company brochure to the wrong market.
First, identify what your potential customers can gain from what you have to offer. Once you know their individual problems and goals, you can now give them a compelling offer that caters to their needs.
Next, guide them through the steps they need to take. Potential leads are more willing to proceed through your sales funnel if the procedures are properly explained to them.
Lastly, indicate a timeline of when they can receive the product or benefit from your services. This sets a sense of urgency for them to subscribe to your service over potential competitors. After going through these different steps accordingly, they’ll have all the information they need to make an informed decision.

Step #4: Respond to queries promptly

Sales reps are familiar with the danger of leaving a call or a follow-up on hold for too long. This is why any variable that delays your opportunity to respond to your prospects can drastically affect your conversion rate. Once you have your leads on call, any delayed steps in their query that go beyond an hour can lead to cart abandonment. On the other hand, companies that can respond much faster have a better chance of guiding their clients down their sales funnel with ease.
Unfortunately, many companies are still having difficulties replying ASAP, even with the level of automation they have with their processes. If you have inefficiencies with your current business model, this will lead to lost opportunities for sales and gaining qualified leads. Remember that you can always lose their attention halfway due to your inability to respond promptly.
One way to improve your timeliness is to keep your sales departments’ options flexible but effective. Appointments themselves can last longer or shorter than the designated time slot. Instead of overworking your sales reps, they should be capable of covering for each other to attend to incoming queries. Making them work as one unit will mitigate potential losses while simultaneously strengthening your staff’s coordination and overall teamwork.

Step #5: Don’t give up after the first call

A recurring challenge for sales reps is the difficulty of balancing their eagerness to reach potential leads. Some customers may view your team’s attempts as intrusive by ignoring your calls, with others outright blocking your contact number or email address. This is why it’s vital to develop the proper tone and consistency in meeting your potential leads’ interests.
Don’t fret about not getting an immediate response from your list of prospects. These recipients don’t always read all incoming sales messages in their inboxes, which is why the rule of sevens exists. The rule of sevens implies that prospective buyers need to see or hear your marketing proposition at least seven times before they opt to entertain your call. This is why it’s necessary to nurture and temper your relationship with your client to gain their interest gradually. If they don’t return your call or message after your seventh try, it’s safe to take them off your list.
To keep your sales reps’ days productive, the general amount of calls they should make is 60 dials per day. Dividing these 60 calls at the right time is necessary to ensure that your sales reps are conversing with potential leads at appropriate hours. You’ll generally get more positive feedback by dealing with the first 40 calls by noon and the remaining 20 between 1 to 5 PM. These are the best calling hours to land a deal with your prospects.


Scaling up your sales figures almost always requires you to expand your workforce. However, that will come at the cost of allocating more overhead costs that will minimize your revenue. Instead of delegating most of your workforce to answer all your leads, you can work with an appointment-setting company to streamline your processes. This allows your team to focus on leads most likely to push through with a sale instead of accommodating all potential prospects. It’s an efficient solution to overcome your scaling issues.
At Crewbloom, we offer outsourcing services to solve your scaling concerns. With our remote appointment setting services, you can expand your operation and streamline your processes. Set a consultation meeting with our team today, and we’ll find a tailor-fit solution to meet your company’s needs!

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