Why Working with a Remote Staffing Agency Saves Your Business More Revenue

If you’re looking to keep your company afloat during the pandemic, or even cut down on expenses, remote staffing is a great solution.

What is remote staffing?

Remote staffing refers to any staff that works from home, office space, or any other location other than your office. The trend is rapidly growing, with many companies phasing out the traditional office environment.

A recent survey by Owl Labs shows that 16 percent of the world’s businesses are 100 percent remote right now. At the same time, 52 percent of workers are at least partially remote. According to Forbes, a remote workforce is better for business.

Why is remote staffing better than hiring in-house workers?

There are a lot of pros when it comes to remote staffing:

  1. It’s cheaper than hiring in-house workers who are on the payroll all day.
  2. Remote workers are more productive because they save time on the commute, office breaks, and workplace distractions.
  3. In-house workers waste a lot of time reading memos, attending meetings and dealing with office politics.
  4. Since remote workers can set their own schedules, they are more motivated to do better work quickly.
  5. Your company can hire from a more diverse, better-qualified group.


What does a remote staffing agency do?

Finding qualified candidates is a lot of work. More so with remote staffing that involves a far greater pool of candidates. If you don’t have the time to review CVs, conduct interviews, and filter through dozens of applicants, you can simply hire a staffing agency. They’ll do all the work for you.

Why should you hire a staffing agency?

Hiring a staffing agency certainly saves you a lot of time and effort, but what other benefits do they offer?

1. Fast Hiring

Hiring has become a lot more difficult in recent years. There are two reasons for this.
  • Your company receives a bulk of applications, many of which are spam.
  • Talented workers have a lot of opportunities and may join another company in the time it takes for you to call them back.

By hiring a reliable staffing agency, you can speed up this filtration process. As a result, you can interview qualified candidates faster and hire them before they join another company.

2. Flexibility

The needs of a business are constantly changing. By hiring a staffing agency, you can hire qualified temporary workers for the position you need when you need them. That means instead of paying a full-time employee who may only be an expert at one task, you can hire a dedicated professional for every task that arises. This flexibility is extremely beneficial for companies that work on a project-by-project basis.

3. Reduced Risk

Hiring an in-house employee comes with a lot of risks. Most of them sign two to five-year contracts. That means you can’t get rid of them if differences arise or the quality of the work doesn’t satisfy you. Often it can be as simple as a manager not getting along with the team or understanding the vision of the company. This can greatly hurt your business, but there’s nothing you can do.

With temporary workers hired through a staffing agency, the risk is greatly reduced. Not only can you get rid of them if problems arise. Usually, the agency is listed as the employer, so you’re also legally protected.

What are the alternatives to hiring a staffing agency?

If you don’t want to hire a staffing agency but still want remote staff, you’ll have to look for them yourself. There are multiple ways to do this. You can post that you’re looking for part-time workers or freelancers on your company website or on a forum. This way, you’ll receive applications from anyone who wants to apply.

Or you can go directly to a freelancer website. These sites allow you to post jobs and set restrictions. You can also pick applicants by looking at their profiles and qualifications.
Keep in mind that when you’re trying to hire the remote staff yourself, you’d invest a lot of time and effort. Furthermore, a business owner doesn’t necessarily have the skills of a professional HR person. Secondly, if you’re considering someone to hire in-house, you may sacrifice on his current duties. In short, there could be many problems if you’re handling the hiring part yourself.
Check below the process, how a remote hiring agency works and can solve all your hiring problems.

How does a staffing agency provide remote staffing?

Staffing agencies divide applicants into three different categories.

1. Temporary Hires

The first is temporary hires. These are job descriptions where the company has set a start and end date, as well as the qualifications they are looking for. So the agency will scan through all its resources to find a suitable candidate.

2. Temp-to-hire

The second is also a temporary position; however, there is a chance the employer will convert it into a long-term freelance situation. Usually depending on whether the candidate is a good fit for the company and their quality of work, etc.

3. Direct hire

The final category is direct hire. Here the agency recruits an appropriate candidate for a permanent position.

Usually, a remote staffing agency has a list of freelancers they’ve worked with. This ensures reliability and reduces risk. On the off chance they don’t have a suitable candidate, they’ll advertise the position on job boards, freelancer websites, and other pages. Next, they scan through applicants, conduct interviews, and run a basic background check to confirm references. From then on, all salaries and benefits are handled by the agency. Your company only needs to set the time limit of the contract.

How should you hire a remote staffing agency?

Be careful when hiring a staffing agency. You want a company that’s reliable and will look after your needs. That means you need to check their references, business practices, and ensure they offer the correct worker’s insurance and general liability insurance. Beyond that, be very transparent about your company’s needs. Whether that is the work environment, working hours, or company policies, spell everything out beforehand.


Hiring a remote staffing agency can bring a lot of value to your company. It certainly makes the hiring process easier. Once you find an agency that understands your needs, you’ll be able to work with them long-term. Spend some time choosing your staffing agency and run all the necessary checks. Before you consult with an agency, make a list of all the qualifications you’re looking for in your employee. Also, identify whether you want a temporary worker, temp-to-hire, or direct hire.

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